2007年7月11日 星期三


昨晚回家反覆聆聽THA BLUE HERB的新專輯LIFE STORY,這張似乎比較討喜,但是還是感受到強烈的意識型態.
環境要改變只有從每個人自身做起!看到ILL-BOSSTINO在官網上受訪,問到關於他們音樂取向被列為UNDERGROUND HIP HOP的問題 以下...(看不懂的單字請上yahoo奇摩字典查一下,其實很好用! 別懶了!)

Q) Do you consider yourself as being underground?

ILL-BOSSTINO) My idea of "underground" is not just about being unknown,broken and only wishing for a chance that never comes. That's only the firststage of your career. We were at that stage six years ago, but you are justa loser if you end there. We understood it. To me, being underground isabout producing your own stuff without being enslaved to record companies;Not to get exploited by TV or radio but to exploit THEM; Make money withyour own ideas and be responsible for what you do; Play some maddening musicloud as you can with the like-minded heads in various regions. From thatperspective, I can say that what we are doing now is the best example of themost powerful underground in Japan

新MV "この夜だけは" (A Special Night)

先行單曲"PHASE 3"未收錄在專輯內很失望....
再次火力全開向外宣告TBH IS BACK!
